Monday, November 10, 2014

Veterans Day Prayer for Fairfield Rotary

Today I was asked to give the prayer at my Rotary club, which was a great honor.  Several members of my club asked me after the meeting to share the text, so to that end I'm posting it below.  Given the great sacrifices of our veterans and their families, it was especially important to me to put names and faces to the prayer.  Its a tad personal perhaps, but in a day when the burdens of serving are borne by a shrinking number, its essential that we never lose sight of the women and men, sons and daughters who put on the uniform in our name.
Veterans Day Prayer

Tuesday is Veterans Day and today we pray for the veterans of the past, the present and the future.  Today’s prayer comes from Mark Roberts via the Interweb. 
As we pray, please join me by holding in your hearts those veterans near and dear to us like Edwin, my paternal grandfather who survived the USS Arizona, Jerry, brother to Michelle, who was shot down and lost for so many years in Vietnam and Adriaen my oldest friend who I met in Kuwait in 1971 and who went back to serve as a Marine in Desert Storm.

Please also lift up and honor those Rotarians of the Fairfield Rotary club who wore the uniform of our armed forces. 
For them and all those we cherish, Please join me in entering a spirit of prayer.

Lord of the Goodness and Light,

"We thank You for all who have served in the armed forces of this country.

We thank You for the freedom their sacrifice has earned and guarded for us. Help us to prize this freedom and use it well.

We ask You to bless all living veterans in a special way today, as well as the families of all veterans.

Comfort those who grieve for those who gave the last full measure of devotion.

Strengthen those who bear physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds.

Stand with those who provide care to them.

Move us to reach out to sisters and brothers who are veterans, or relatives of veterans, or who currently serve in the military.

We pray for the day when no one needs to serve in the military.

Help us to live now in anticipation of that day, as people who long for peace, who pray for peace, and who seek to be peacemakers in this world."

This we pray in your name and together, we wish it to be so by joining together to say;

Adapted from "A Prayer for Veterans Day" by Mark Roberts 

We remember...
Memorial Day, Arlington National Cemetery 2008

Charles Jerome "Jerry" Hunneycutt

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